Cinema and theatre Aislinn Derbez Ibero-American pride Mexican actress Aislinn Derbez will be one of the presenters of the 12th edition of the Platino Awards. Proud of this opportunity, she defends the growing influence of Ibero-American audiovisuals around the world.
Art Mariela Scafati The painting explorer When Mariela Scafati tackles a piece, exploration becomes the driving force behind her creative process. This Argentinian artist will be presenting one of her most iconic pieces at ARCOmadrid 2025: ‘Windows’.
Art Pedro G. Romero The undisciplined artist The career of Pedro G. Romero, winner of the 2024 National Award for Plastic Arts, arouses as much admiration as bewilderment because his work spans multiple seemingly opposite fields and formats.
Fashion Maite Casademunt A legacy worth preserving At the tender age of 19, Maite started working alongside her mother, Lola Casademunt, and together they built a fashion brand that has become one of the most well-known in the country.
Fashion Peter Sposito Perfect imperfection Pedro González tends towards perfectionism, but his ‘alter ego,’ Peter Sposito, pushes him towards imperfection. Two souls coexist in the mind of this designer who was recognised at MBFWMadrid last year.
Sport Álex Roca Breaking down barriers Álex Roca’s life has been hard, which is why he’s adamant about making it easier for upcoming generations. With his incredible sports challenges, he aims to raise awareness about people with disabilities and put an end to prejudice.
Art Pedro Paricio Art is like an act of faith “Art is like a thunderbolt that hits you. You don’t choose it, it chooses you.” A mission Pedro Paricio accepted passionately: “Some days have been better than others, but my willingness to get up every day to go to the studio has not changed.”
Sport Ian Tarrafeta The brains behind the Spanish team Ian Tarrafeta has been called to lead the Spanish national team during the 2025 World Championship and dreams of following in the footsteps of his role models: Dani Sarmiento, Raúl Entrerríos, or Chema Rodríguez.
Design Yaiza Pinillos The glory of design The world of culture wouldn’t be the same without people working hard far from the limelight. One of those people is Yaiza Pinillos, a leading costume designer for the theatre in Spain.
R&D Ariadna Mechó A seabound life The 2024 Mujeres a Seguir Awards recognised Ariadna Mechó, PhD in Marine Science and researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, in the Science category for her work preserving the oceans.