
Articles about art


Freedom of speech

When he was a child, Suso33 struggled with words, so he looked for an alternative ways of expression: graffiti. Today, spray cans are still the medium he uses to express his creativity.

Famous Spanish female painters

Master craftswomen

In the world of art, women have historically been overshadowed. But times are changing... At the next edition of ARCOmadrid, they will be the stars. Who should we be on the lookout for?

Current Spanish painting

The validity of the Spanish paintbrush

Goya, Velázquez, Murillo, Sorolla, Dalí, Picasso... Historically, Spanish painting has been renowned around the world. What about now? Who inherited the talent of those great masters?

Irma Álvarez-Laviada

Minimalism and delicacy

Irma Álvarez-Laviada has managed to transcend pictorial art and reinvent her work using materials in her studio. Her personal style, wrapped in minimalism and delicacy, was a hit at ARCO 2022, and she’s back again this year.


The success of Cosmic Girl

Laura Mas, better known as Okokume, breathes fresh air into contemporary art with the iconic character featured in her paintings, Cosmic Girl, and an inspiring message to overcome social issues.

Leonor Serrano Rivas

A magical gaze

The relationship between magic, science, and philosophy has driven artist Leonor Serrano Rivas to rebuild contraptions that inspired a new vision of the world in the 16th century. The result can be seen at the Museo Reina Sofía.

Pepe Carretero

Living shamelessly

Autobiographical themes, dreamscapes, LGTBI, and even the most traditional Manchegan folklore make up Pep Carretero’s widely varying artistic universe.

Solimán López

The (intangible) art of the future

He will go down in history for being the first artist to sell a work of art in NFT (Non-Refundable Token) format at ARCO, for founding the incomparable Harddiskmuseum, and for interpreting art as an intangible concept of infinite resources.

Avelino Sala

Art with speech

The talent of conceptual artist Avelino Sala reveals itself again at Estampa 2022, showing some of his works, and the Lanzarote Art Biennial, where he presents his ‘Museo Arqueológico de la Revuelta’.

Teresa Solar

The brave sculptor

Teresa Solar’s art captivated the 2021 Liverpool Biennial and now follows suit at the Venice Biennale thanks to her attractive (and colossal) clay and resin pieces titled ‘Tunnel Boring Machines’.
