Espacio Iberia
Going out with a bang

Espacio Iberia closed its doors in Madrid on the 31st of July, but before doing so it welcomed big names from the world of culture and sport, such as singer Julieta Venegas, swimmer Hugo González de Oliveira, or chef Dabiz Muñoz. Since its opening on the 17th of April, this initiative has become a magnet for talent to be enjoyed by thousands of visitors.
Neither the high temperatures, the summer holidays, nor the musicals surrounding it kept hundreds of people from coming to the talks that, through its Talento a bordo initiative, Iberia has organised at Espacio Iberia during the month of July. Located on the iconic Gran Vía in the centre of Madrid, since it opened on the 17th of April it became a home for creativity, inspiration, fun and, above all, talent. Do you want to find out who were the last to pass through?
A gastronomic journey through places that changed everything with Burr and Studio Animal (9th of July)
Haute cuisine restaurants pay great attention to every detail, from the ingredients in each dish to the dinnerware on which the food is presented, but also the setting that surrounds dinner guests. Jorge Sobejano and Javier Jiménez Iniesta, the heads of Burr and Studio Animal respectively, two of the most well-renowned architectural studios in Spain, know a lot about designing innovative gastronomic projects. At Espacio Iberia, they took the audience on a gastronomic journey through the restaurant temples that have been a milestone and that help us better understand the way we currently eat and drink.
Meeting the athletes on the Iberia Talento a bordo Team: Hugo González de Oliveira (11th of July)
Just a few days before travelling to the Paris Games, a new member of the Iberia Talento a bordo Team visited Espacio Iberia: Hugo González de Oliveira. During the talk, he shared his feelings about the big event, as well as highlighting the sacrifices made to get to the top. Despite landing in the French capital as World Champion in the 200 metres backstroke and runner-up in the 100 metres backstroke, the strong competition meant that the Majorcan swimmer had to settle for sixth place in both disciplines, coming very close to the medals: 34 hundredths of a second away from bronze in the 100m and 62 hundredths of a second away in the 200m.
From Camarón to Rosalía: Kiko Veneno’s musical influences (15th of July)
Kiko Veneno, one of the most well-loved musicians on the Spanish music scene, reviewed his five-decade career and, while he was at it, share with the audience the artists that have had the biggest influence on him. One of them was Camarón, who on his album La leyenda del tiempo popularised one of Kiko’s most famous songs: Volando voy. But this Catalan musician also looks to the present and, on more than one occasion, has confessed his admiration for his fellow countrywoman Rosalía. His event at Espacio Iberia was the day before his concert at Noches del Botánico with G-5, a project he leads alongside El Canijo de Jerez, Diego el Ratón, Muchachito and Tomasito.
PHotoESPAÑA: the artist’s gaze makes the destination unique (16th of July)
For another year, and for 27 years, PHotoESPAÑA has brought together the best national and international photographers once more. Espacio Iberia joined the photo party by hosting Carma Casulá. Connected to documentary photography, this Catalan photographer has signed several projects related to the anthropisation of the landscape, that is, the transformation exercised by humans. Images that bring together culture and nature through journeys understood as voyages. Attendees to this talk learnt about this artist’s career first hand, as well as her work methods.
Julieta Venegas and Judeline: two singer-songwriters share their talent (24th of July)
Latin music is, thanks to a new generation of artists, the most played worldwide right now. A path opened up by artists like the Mexican Julieta Venegas, who in 2006 took the world by storm with her hit Me voy. Her pop nature and folk wisdom inspired many artists, including Spanish artist Judeline, who at the tender age of 21 has become one of the rising stars on the scene blending urban sounds with Andalusian tradition. Two generations who admire and inspire each other came together at Espacio Iberia to share their passion and celebrate the moment Latin music is having.
The recipe for creativity with Dabiz Muñoz and Miki Nadal (29th of July)
What makes the cuisine by Dabiz Muñoz stand out is his boundless creativity. A unique talent, shaped by hours upon hours of hard work, which has turned this chef from Madrid into one of the best in the world. In fact, he was recognised as such for three consecutive years (2021, 2022 and 2023) by the prestigious Best Chef Awards. Alongside comedian Miki Nadal, winner of Masterchef Celebrity and a close friend of the chef, they shared some of his best anecdotes with the audience of Espacio Iberia, as well as analysing the past, present and future of DiverXO, the chef's star restaurant.
Between the 17th of April and the 31st of July, Espacio Iberia has welcomed dozens of personalities connected to the world of culture and sport: writer Mónica Ojeda, comedians Joaquín Reyes and Ernesto Sevilla, gymnast Ray Zapata, music duo Hidrogenesse, designer María Escoté, producer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, singer Marina Tuset, urban artist Suso33, judoka Niko Shera or flamenco dancer Jesús Carmona, among many others. What do they have in common? Their boundless talent.